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#208188 - 03/09/2003 00:07 dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
insider Offline

Meldunek: 16/04/2003
Postów: 68
Najbardziej bezpieczne zagrania to z takich typów , z których przy minimalnym ryzyku można wygrać jakiekolwiek pieniądze bo prawdopodobieństwo wygranej jest duże (ryzyko przegranej niskie) a stopa zwrotu czasami wynosi nawet 200%, często 100%, a zazwyczaj powyżej 40%. Jak myślicie, czy dałoby się porównać zakład na mecz Legia - Lech przy "trzydrogowej" możliwości rozstrzygnięcia powiedzmy z rozkładem 1,4 /2/ 4 ze środowym 7 konnym wyścigiem choćby Avina, który może skończyć z wypłatą od 1,4 - 2 (a jak się postarać to i wyżej) czyli 2,8 - 4 za 2. Które zagranie jest efektywniejsze, na oko wydaje się, że Avin?...

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#208189 - 03/09/2003 01:24 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
hpc Offline

Meldunek: 06/07/2001
Postów: 4739
Skąd: warszawa
Żeby próbować coś czego w zasadzie porównać się nie da trzeba wpierw wejść w istotę kursu 1X2.

Wyobraźmy sobie zatem kursy na mecz:
Legia v Lech 1,65-3,50-4,50.
Cóż znaczą te kursy i jak można zapisać je innaczej.
Zacznijmy od początku.
Oddsmaker rozpatrując poszczególne spotkania musi na początku ocenić procentowe szanse zajścia zdarzenia biorąc pod uwagę szereg róznych zależności.
Powiedzmy, że w meczu Legia v Lech ocenił te szanse na 54,5%-25,5%-20,0%.
Po wstawieniu marży bookmachera powstają kursy 1X2
I tak w powyższym przykładzie gdzie marża bookmachera wynosi 10% (dokładnie 10,23%)
kurs 1,65 odpowiada 54,5% (dokładnie 54,404)
kurs 3,50 odpowiada 25,5% (dokładnie 25,648)
kurs 4,50 odpowiada 20,0% (dokładnie 19,948)

Te trzy kursy 1X2 a precyzyjniej, szanse zajścia zdarzenia wyczerpuja możliwości tego zajścia.
Dlatego niemożliwym jest porównanie kursów piłkarskich do wypłat w końskim totalizatorze.
Avin do trzech koni nie wyczerpuje bowiem mozliwości zaistnienia zdarzenia.

Jedyne co da się porównać to marża bookmachera.
I tak, grając w sieci, dobry bookmacher pobiera marżę 9-11%
Sts, prof, toto-mix w Polsce maja marże ustawioną na poziomie około 11%, ale u nas dochodzi do tego 10%-towy podatek, tak więc generalnie trzeba się liczyć z tym, ze przy grze zgodnej co do joty z szansami zajścia zdarzenia, z każdego zagrania jesteśmy w dystansie 20% do tyłu.
Tyle tytułem wstępu.
Przy zainteresowaniu tematem bedę kontynuował

pawel, hpc

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#208190 - 03/09/2003 16:55 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
insider Offline

Meldunek: 16/04/2003
Postów: 68
bardzo ciekawe, kontynuuj. Spróbuj rozłożyc szanse poszczególnych koni w podobny % sposób. Czy marżą w tym przypadku będzie podatek zabierany przez totalizator?. I jeszcze przecież to będzie Twoja subiektywna ocena szans. W związku z tym gdy powiedzmy oceniasz szanse Avina na 50% to kurs bez podatku będzie 2 (czyli 4zł za 2), a jeśli w notowaniu rzeczywistym potem jest powiedzmy 5 za 2 to grasz?, a poniżej 4, to nie grasz? - raz totalizator niedocenia konia innym razem Go przecenia w stosunku do Twojej oceny. Jak to sobie ułożyć. Kiedy się opłaca zagrać?

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#208191 - 04/09/2003 01:43 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
hpc Offline

Meldunek: 06/07/2001
Postów: 4739
Skąd: warszawa
witam insider
Strasznie dużo pytań ale powoli spróbujmy się z nimi uporać.
Jeśli jakiekolwiek zdarzenie ma szanse powodzenia 50% to kurs bez marży musi wynosić 2,00.
To oczywiste.
przy marży 10% kurs będzie 1,80
przy marży 20% kurs będzie 1,60
Tak jest w zakładach w których kursy ustalaja oddmakerzy. Dla przykładu tak było w toto-mix kiedy przyjmował konie (wróć toto-mixie )

W służewieckim totalizatorze mamy zakłady wzajemne. Czyli tak jak w totolotku nastepuje podział puli w stosunku do wygranych biletów. Kursy na zdarzenia są w zasadzie niewidoczne, ale gdyby ktoś się uparł możnaby je przedstawić. Tyle, że byłyby one zmienne przy każdym zagraniu gracza.

Jeśli chodzi o procentowe rozliczenie szans koni w wyścigu to choćby po wczorajszych typach widac jakie to trudne.
Te wszystkie 100% okazały się niewypałami i jakby sie w to mocniej wgryść to nie jest sytuacja odosobniona.
Żeby te kursy ustalić, trzeba by mieć wejścia do stajni, do weterynarza, znać dzokei i ich upodobania do jazdy danego dnia i wiele innych zalezności. Samo ustalenie kursów to juz potem pryszczyk

A jak grać.
Sposobów jest mnóstwo.
Ja gram do trudnego konia (porzadki, czasem trójki), wiekszość gra do faworytów 100%.
Podeprę sie angielskim fachowcem

Value is the single most important thing in betting.

A good strike rate is no use at all if the bets are not made at value odds.

That is why I decided to write this short piece.

The scenario I want you to imagine is of three people walking into a room where different bets are on offer.

The first person sees a table where you can bet on the spin of a coin. The odds on offer are 10/11 for a correct choice.

He feels lucky and bets on heads, which comes up. So he has another bet, and this also wins. "I'm feeling lucky", he says, "I'm going to stay at this table all night".

The second person sees a table where you can bet on the correct number thrown with a dice. The odds on offer are 11/2.

He has a bet on '3', which loses, then on '5', which loses. But he's not deterred; "I'm staying on this table", he says, "see you later".

The third person sees a table where you can bet on predicting a playing card randomly chosen from a pack. The odds on offer are 66/1.

He likes the prospect of a big win, so he has a go. In fact he has 10 goes, and none are correct. Luckily, he has brought plenty of cash with him, so he says "I'm staying here for the night".

The three agree to meet up again in 8 hours time, when they will compare how each has done.

Eight hours passed, and it was time for the three to go home.

The coin man was not happy: "I seemed to be winning regularly", he said, "I didn't have any long losing runs, but I'm out of pocket!"

In fact he'd had 1,000 bets, and 500 of them had been correct. He'd been betting at £20 a time, as he knew he wouldn't have long losing runs. So over the night he'd staked £20,000, and from his 500 winners paying £38.18 a time, he'd received a total of £19,090. He had lost £910 when he seemed to be doing so well. People had been remarking at how many winners he was having, but that didn't matter to him now. He certainly wouldn't play that game again.

The second arrived, with a smile on his face; "I started slowly", he said, "and my strike rate was not good all night - I had many losing runs well into double figures. I didn't feel as if I was winning, but now that I've counted up I realise that I've done well."

In fact, he too had placed 1,000 bets over the night at £20 each. He had picked 166 winners and 834 losers. At his quoted odds of 11/2, each winner had paid him £130 - a total return of £21,580. He had won £1,580 on the night and was happy.

The third returned laughing; "I can't believe it", he said, "I chose those cards terribly - I had massive losing runs which I thought would never end. In fact I had 1,000 bets at £20 each and only won 19 of them - good job my bank was big enough for the evening!" But at 66/1, the 19 winners had returned a total of £25,460, making him £5,460 - enough for the cruise he'd been planning.

Simple enough, and we can see why the coin man was attracted by the prospect of regular winners - it made him feel like he was doing well. The dice man had a strike rate of 16.67%, which was more than enough, given that he was offered the value odds of 11/2 each time. The odds were only quoted half a point too high, but that was enough for him and he took advantage. The card man was fortunate to have a big bank behind him - his losing runs were massive, only 19 winners from 1,000 at a strike rate of 1.9%. But the 66/1 he was given was far too high, and he made a lot of money.

If these people were to return every night for a year, betting on the same games and with the same stakes, the coin man would lose £332,150, the dice man would win £576,700 and the card man would win £1,992,900.

They were all winning as often as they were entitled to do - nobody was luckier or unluckier than the others. It all came down to the value their bets offered.

In that example, the value was easy to see. Mathematically, it could be determined exactly. But how do we know what value is in horse-racing? How do we know we won't end up like the coin man?

The answer is that we need to determine, first of all, what the actual odds are of our horse winning. We can't do this exactly, of course, but we can get fairly close.

Say for example the race we are studying has 10 runners, and we have decided that 4 of them have no chance whatsoever. We can confidently cross those 4 through, but we must be absolutely sure they can't win. That leaves 6 runners, and we may decide that 3 of those can't be dismissed completely even though we don't think they can win. Maybe they have half a chance. Fine, that's 3 runners with half a chance each, and the other 3 are the serious contenders (of which one is obviously our selection).

So our selection has 1 chance in 4.5 (3 serious plus 3 half chances). Its actual odds, as far as we can see are 7/2.

If we can get better than 7/2 for our selection we bet. The bigger the price above 7/2, the more we stake. It makes sense - if the dice man went back the following night he would stake much higher at that price. If our horse, however, is quoted at less than 7/2 we cannot bet - not ever.

It may well win, but if we continually take chances like that we will come unstuck eventually. If the odds are 3/1 we have to leave it alone and come back another day.

Again, that's a simple example, and I'm sure most punters think along those lines. To get more of an exact figure we need to break our fractions down further - down to percentage chances.

If we say that the total chances of all the runners in a race is 100%, we need to then determine how much of that 100% is made up of our horse's chance. In the above example the 100% was split between 6 runners that had either a chance or half a chance. There were a total of 4.5 chances, each one 22.22% of the overall 100%.

A 22.22% chance is equal to 7/2, so if we are right in our judgement (and we must stick to our judgement, as that is the whole point of betting), anything better than 7/2 offers value.

A friend of mine has the same approach, although he tackles it slightly differently. He allocates 100 points to a race (each point is a 1% chance). From those 100 points, he allocates to each horse a number, which he thinks represents it's chance of winning. The important thing here is that all the points must come back to 100 when added at the end.

He may analyse a race like this: His selection 27pts, horse 'B' 20pts, horses 'C', 'D', 'E', and 'F' 12pts each, and horse 'G' 5pts.

He has given his selection a 27% chance, which equals just over 11/4. So if my friend can get 11/4, or preferably 3/1 for his bet, he will be on. If not, he won't.

To convert the points out of 100 you have awarded to each horse into odds, do the following:

Say you gave 28pts : divide 100 by 28 = 3.57, then deduct 1 = 2.57.

Those are the odds to one - 2.57/1. Given that 2.5/1 is the same as 5/2, you would need better than 5/2 for a horse to which you had awarded 28pts.

Please make sure you don't totally discount a horse and give it 0pts unless you are sure that it can't win. Make sure all your points figures total 100 exactly. You will have to change them many times before they do - and don't bother if the points awarded are strange numbers, like 27 or 41. it doesn't matter as long as you work out the true odds correctly afterwards.

You will find that you suddenly spend less time actually picking a winner, and more time picking a horse that is likely to run at a value price.

Value - the single most important thing, no matter what you bet on.


cdsystems 2000

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#208192 - 04/09/2003 20:03 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
insider Offline

Meldunek: 16/04/2003
Postów: 68
dzieki za tyle materiału, musisz chwile poczekać bo dałem do tłumacza
pozdr. insider

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#208193 - 18/09/2003 15:24 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
insider Offline

Meldunek: 16/04/2003
Postów: 68
Jest jeden podstawowy problem - płynność zagranie konia mało liczonego za stosunkowo niewielkie pieniądze powoduje wzrost jego notowań i niższą wypłatę. Chyba, że wyścigi angielskie...

pozdr, insider

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#208194 - 19/09/2003 02:09 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
hpc Offline

Meldunek: 06/07/2001
Postów: 4739
Skąd: warszawa
chyba że grasz, tam gdzie wiesz

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#208195 - 19/09/2003 14:26 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
insider Offline

Meldunek: 16/04/2003
Postów: 68
no tak tylko nie dostanę za zwc takich kursów, no pdk juz zdecydowanie lepiej

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#208196 - 19/09/2003 14:27 Re: dywagacje w temacie gry na Służewcu
insider Offline

Meldunek: 16/04/2003
Postów: 68
no tak tylko nie dostanę za zwc takich kursów, no pdk juz zdecydowanie lepiej

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